Thismoment helped many companies design and build out engaged marketing campaigns on several social websites, also known as Distributed Engagement Channels (DEC). I've shown a few examples of a DEC but I've designed close to 100 of them for several clients including Sony, P&G, McDonald's, Disney and more.
TM Branding
As the Creative Director, I got a chance to create the branding for Thismoment, Inc. We decided that the look should have a fun and organic feel so naturally, I gravitated towards creating a custom script for the logo. The original logo was an "@" symbol (created before my time) so I kept that look intact for the tm mark.
Custom CMS Icons
I created a custom set of icons that were used specifically for our customer portal where clients could upload and manage their content.
various DEC templates
These templates were primarily a mix of detailed wire-frames and style-guide sent to clients to help them build their own DECs through our CMS site. I, along with our VP of Design, developed these after several iterations of developing our own internal and client DECs. Allowing clients to create, design and manage their own channels through our customer portal was one of the major selling points for thisMoment.
DEC visual design Examples
A selection of visual designs that I created for various companies. Some of these were approved live campaigns and a few others that were used as sales pitches meant to show the full capability of our DECs.